Concrete bricks: Techniques You Could Consider Crack Repair

If you have concrete bricks on your property, then you would have to expect to undertake in concrete repairs at some point or another. The trick, however, is to catch these cracks as they are in their initial stages as this enables you to arrest the problem before you have a larger issue at hand that may require extensive repairs or even complete replacement. When it comes to minor concrete crack repairs, there are several techniques that you could consider. Below are some of the more commonly favoured options used for minor crack repairs.

Concrete injections

If the cracks you are dealing with are hairline cracks, a concrete injection would suffice. This type of crack repair is typically used on concrete brick walls but can also come in handy in driveway and paving repairs. Crack injections are also a convenient way to stop a leak in its cracks, as the material injected will fill in the affected area. Concrete crack injection comprise of epoxy or can also contain polyurethane. The type of injection that you select would largely depend on the size of the crack as well as where it is located.

For instance, if the crack is wide and has some depth to it, a polyurethane injection would be more suitable as it will expand into the crack and fill in all the air spaces available. Epoxy injections, on the other hand, are quite runny and are better suited at filling smaller hairline cracks that would need the epoxy to dribble into.

Concrete mixes

If the crack your concrete has developed is minor enough that the separate sides do not move around when you apply pressure onto them then a solution you could consider is concrete mixes. Typically, as long as the crack is not yet showing signs of expansion, then you could attempt to fix it on your own. The first step would be to ensure the crack is thoroughly cleaned of any debris that may hinder the mix from properly adhering to it.

Once this is done, smear some of the concrete mix into the crack and leave it untouched for some time. This is to give the mix ample time to cure. When the crack is curing, it is essential to keep the area covers with some cling film or plastic covering. This is to prevent the mix from drying prematurely while also preventing any dirt from coming into contact with the mix.
