Preparing the Ground for Line-Marking Paint

Road line markings are the standard way of providing safety guidance to drivers on roads and in car parks, and in fact, they're a legal requirement on public roads and in various other places. If your business property includes roads or land where you need to have painted lines, it's important to get them right. Part of this is making sure they'll last as long as possible so you don't have to keep reapplying them.

While your choice of paint and application method play a big part in how long your line marking lasts, a less obvious factor is how well you prepare the ground beforehand. Nevertheless, it's an extremely important part of the process, so make sure you follow these tips and get off to the best possible start.

Remove any remaining paint

Before you do anything else, you should make sure the surface is free from existing paintwork. Because line-marking paint is designed to be durable, this isn't always an easy task. However, it can be removed using techniques like hydro-blasting or with abrasive materials.

Removing old paint not only gives you a neat, professional finish, it also helps the new paint adhere properly to the road.

Repair the surface

If the surface is badly cracked, it's difficult to get neat, straight lines. You should repair any cracks or potholes, especially deep ones.

Although this takes time and needs to set fully before you can proceed with your line marking, it's worth doing because you'll get better paint adherence and longer-lasting results. If you're inexperienced with applying line-marking paint, the smoother the surface, the easier you'll find it.

Clean thoroughly

Remove any grease or oil from the ground and clean it fully. You should also remove as much dust and debris as possible, as this will help the paint adhere firmly. After cleaning the surface, leave it to dry fully before painting.

Consider using a primer

There are products available to prime a surface before applying line-marking paint. While they're not essential, they can be extremely helpful, especially if you have rough or uneven surfaces. They help you get the best result possible by increasing how strongly paint sticks to the surface.

If you're going to use a primer, make sure you apply it well in advance and leave enough time for it to set before you proceed. You should also check that you've chosen the right primer for both the surface and the type of paint you'll be using.
